TMS #090: The Discomfort Advantage

Why Your Greatest Growth Lives Outside the Familiar

Read time: 3 minutes

Have you ever been thrown into the deep end, where you either swim or, well, really have to swim?

That was me yesterday.

Picture this:

I'm an invited guest speaker on a Twitter Space, getting all set to talk about morning routines and habit building.

This stuff is my jam, and I'm ready to share some life-changing tips.

Just when I'm getting into the groove of things, about 20 minutes in, the host quickly apologizes and has to bolt..

Family emergency, something about a house fire.


There I was, alone, the digital stage all mine.

Heart pounding, mind racing—can you feel it?

A hundred pairs of ears, waiting.

It was my moment of truth, the kind where you discover what you're really made of.

And guess what?

I did it.

For 1.5 hours, I connected, I shared, I engaged.

I was the host, and I was rocking it.

When I finally signed off, the thrill was unreal.

I'd steered through my fear, sailed out of my comfort zone, and you know what?

It felt like flying.

That's the power I'm talking about, the raw, electrifying energy of overcoming fears and smashing through the boundaries of your comfort zone.

Now, why tell you this story?

Because, my friend, this is where growth happens.

This is where you find not just success, but true, exhilarating fulfillment.

Are you ready to dive into this journey together?

Let's go.

The Nature of Comfort Zones

Think of your comfort zone as a familiar neighborhood.

It’s nice, you know everyone, and every corner has a memory.

Cozy, right?

But here’s a thought:

Have you ever discovered something new by walking the same path every day?


Growth doesn’t thrive in well-trodden paths.

It sprouts in the unexplored and the unknown.

Comfort zones make us feel safe.

But, they're the arenas of stagnation.

They whisper sweet nothings of safety.

But, they're really the graveyard of ambition.

The myth that ‘staying put is safe’ couldn’t be more misleading.

Entrepreneurship is rapidly shifting.

Adaptability and courage to step into the unknown are your true safety net.

The Psychology of Discomfort

Here's a not-so-secret secret:

Growth is uncomfortable.

Think of it - the first time you rode a bike, was it comfortable?


But the freedom it brought?


Discomfort is the unseen mentor.

It challenges you and tests your resolve.

In the end, it expands your capabilities.

Psychologically, stepping out of your comfort zone is akin to muscle training.

At first, it's all strain and pain.

But then, resilience grows, creativity blooms.

Before you know it, you're thriving.

You're innovating.

Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Sara Blakely embraced discomfort.

They turned it into a stepping stone and built empires on it.

Their stories are monuments to embracing discomfort.

Embracing Change and Growth

So how do we make discomfort our ally? It starts with small steps:

  • Routine Shuffles:
    Change up your daily routine.

    A new route to work, maybe.

  • Skill Stretch:
    Learn something out of your wheelhouse.

    Coding, public speaking, you name it.

  • Win Journaling:
    Keep a log of daily victories.

    Big or small, they're progress markers.

Remember the tales of entrepreneurs?

They ventured into the unknown, but emerged victoriously.

Think Spanx or Tesla.

These were revolutions sparked by people who dared to dream and step out of their comfort zones.

They had an idea and the guts to pursue it, despite the discomfort.

Wealth Building and the Discomfort Advantage

Now, tying discomfort to wealth may seem like a stretch, but it's more closely linked than you'd think.

Entrepreneurship is about solving problems.

Often, they are problems others shy away from due to their discomfort.

They confront and harness this discomfort.

This sets successful entrepreneurs apart.

Wealth, here, follows calculated risks.

It also follows innovative solutions and the agility to navigate uncharted territories.

It's about making decisions not from a place of safety, but from a vision of what could be.

It's about pursuing purpose, overcoming obstacles, and reaching potential.

Overcoming Fear and Resistance

Ah, fear.

It's as much a part of entrepreneurship as the dream itself.

The fear of failure, of the unknown, of taking that leap – it’s all real.

But here’s the thing:

Every entrepreneur who ever made it had those same fears.

  • Educate to Empower:
    Fear hates knowledge.

    Learn about your industry, your competitors, your own business.

    Knowledge diminishes fear.

  • Seek Mentors:
    Those who've traveled this road know its pits and falls.

    Their guidance can be your beacon.

By understanding fear, we can dismantle it, piece by piece.

It becomes less of a barrier and more of a stepping stone.

Embracing discomfort, in a way, is embracing the very essence of growth and learning.


Discomfort has jitters and unknowns.

It's not just a hurdle to overcome.

It's the path to growth, innovation, and, in the end, success.

It’s about expanding horizons, both personally and professionally.

It’s a journey of transformation, from who you are to who you're meant to be.

In this crucible of growth, you're crafting legacies, forging a future.

That's real wealth.

It's not easy.

It wasn’t meant to be.

But it’s worth it, and deep down, you know it.

Now, it's over to you.

Discomfort might just be the best decision you ever make.

Are you ready to step out and up?

Because on the other side of discomfort lies not just growth, but a world of possibilities.

Good luck out there.

Remember, a thousand mile journey starts with a single, hard step.

Keep Evolving,

Chris Founder - Mindtutorial
Follow The Real Me on LinkedIn

Remember: You’re just one habit away!🗝️


The Discomfort Advantage

  1. Change Daily Routine

  2. Learn New Skills

  3. Keep Victory Log

  4. Educate Constantly

  5. Seek Mentor Guidance

  6. Embrace Calculated Risks

  7. Pursue Visionary Goals

🗝️Tutorial of the Week🗝️

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